Monday, April 30, 2018

A to Z Challenge 2018 - Day 26

Theme "anagrams" finishes today.

Hoping all have Enjoyed playing.

Day 26: Z

sus ones laze = ?

A = antidisestablishmentarianism
B = bartering
C = Carthage
D = Delicatessen
E = Elementary
F = Frantically
G = Grandfather
H = Herbalistic
I   = Illiteracy
J = Jabberwocky
K = Kingfisher
L = Lackluster
M = Minimalistic
N = Nottinghamshire
O = Objectionably
P = Pacification
Q = Quicksilver
R = Rastafarian
S = secretary
T = Theosophically
U = Understanding
V = Vaccinated

W = Washateria

X = Xenophobic

Y = Youthfulness
Z = Coming to a blog post soon

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I couldn't play with you with this. My brain just does NOT function that way!
