Wednesday, April 4, 2018

A to Z Challenge 2018 - Day 4

Theme "anagrams" continues.

For those who have not worked with anagrams before, note that this sentence is the scrambled letters of one single word.


Day 4: D

cat sense lied = ?


A = antidisestablishmentarianism
B = bartering
C = Carthage


  1. Hallo Fim. I got this one in an instant but I just could not get any answer out of the other one for day 3. Never heard of it until I saw the answer and checked it for meaning. So thanks and I slightly improved my geographical knowledge :) Hope you're enjoying A to Z challenge. I'll look forward to an E with you tomorrow. Cheers & Best Wishes :) I'll catch up with you one of those Mondays again too, been meaning to get back to it for ages. Bye for now.

  2. OML! It must be the prednisone that keeps me from getting these. But then I was never good at them. Obviously YOU are good at them!

    1. Making them and trying to figure them out are two very different things. Though, I must say that being a fan of crytograms helps me to puzzle it out. :) But I am leaving the answers the next day as you reminded me to do.

  3. Greetings Collette, it's great to see you here!
    Day 3 was Carthage, which was the center or capital city of the ancient Carthaginian civilization, on the eastern side of the Lake of Tunis in what is now the Tunis Governorate in Tunisia. I actually don't know why that word came to me, but I used it none-the-less.
    Thank you for stopping by and playing! I hope you enjoy the rest of the challenge.

