Monday, April 9, 2018

A to Z Challenge 2018 - Day 8

Theme "anagrams" continues.

For those who have not worked with anagrams before, note that this sentence is the scrambled letters of one single word.


Day 8: Hi Crib slate = ?

 A = antidisestablishmentarianism
B = bartering
C = Carthage
D = Delicatessen
E = Elementary
F = Frantically

G = Grandfather


  1. I give up! I always thought I could think ahead really well, but I sure don't seem to be able to do that with these. I've never been able to get them.

    1. I wouldn't know if I could actually do them, from the other side of this process. But I have always worked cryptograms - in a Games Magazine I used to subscribe to - but they gave a hint to start off the search for the answer. That wouldn't really work here.

  2. I'll have to puzzle over this one later. Got the previous one ok (made 57words from it too before giving up). Happy blogging!

    1. Wow 57 words! You'll see what it was today in the answers section. Thank you!
