Saturday, April 7, 2018

A to Z Challenge 2018 - Day 7

Theme "anagrams" continues.

For those who have not worked with anagrams before, note that this sentence is the scrambled letters of one single word.


Day 7: G

G - Her Fad Grant = ?


 A = antidisestablishmentarianism
B = bartering
C = Carthage
D = Delicatessen
E = Elementary
F = Frantically


  1. I STILL couldn't figure it out! Do you have any three or four letter words up your sleeve??? :(

  2. Hmmm, thought I'd posted an answer here. Wonder if it was a dream? But 3 to 4 letter words would not really work, as I need to make a sentence for them, and that doesn't quite work, as a sentence. I wonder if there is a "key" to re-arranging the letters to make a single word? We can talk about that this week :)
